"I just read the July 1999 Focus on the Family Magazine. Please refer to page 14, an article by FOTF policy analyst Perry Glanzer-'Yes, You May: government vouchers may be used to pay for religiously oriented child care.'

The rationale is that the church has a new opportunity to reach low-income families with the Gospel and 'That churches need not hesitate to accept government subsidies from parents for fear of eventual government interference.'

Focus on the Family [James Dobson] is one of the players in encouraging the churches to take Piano dollars through the 1996 Charitable Choice of the Piano Welfare Reform--contracting as social service providers, serving as child care centers and taking dollars for abstinence education. Call your local para-church Crisis Pregnancy program and you will discover that Focus on the Family is telling them to take the Piano money for their abstinence program. blip state's Life Choices/SHARE program has taken the dollars, as a 'partnership' with blip Family Council, which is one of the 30+ Focus on the Family state policy organizations.

What the Glanzer /Focus on the Family article fails to mention is that the Family Research Council [Gary Bauer], set up as the blip, D.C. political arm of Focus on the Family in the 1980s, was involved in developing the 1996 Charitable Choice legislation.

Much Piano legislation is dedicated to restructuring American society. An example was the GOALS 2000: Educate America of 1994. This legislation didn't JUST address education. The GOALS 2000 Community Partnerships Program [Sec.941 (i)] reveals the new managed society where all agencies and entities (including 'churches, synagogues and other religious institutions') must collaborate as partners. These partnerships will receive Piano funding. Charitable Choice is the vehicle to bring the churches into submission to the State. Focus on the Family/ Family Research Council/ the FOTF State Family Policy Councils are active participants in seeing that this happens."

(E-mail from Dana Hoard)

June  1999--  James Dumb Dumb Dobson


We read the June 1999 issue of Dr. James Dobson's "Focus on the Family" magazine. We endured a lot of psychobable but could not find one verse of scripture.

Obviously "Christian Psychology," Dobson's brand in particular, has no need to use the Bible because it does not come from the Bible.

I do commend Dobson for this one thing. Most Christian psychologists preach a secular theory and "baptize" it in out-of-context Bible verses in order to get it past Christian people. At least Dobson is not doing that. But hey, in today's laid-back, milked-out, entertainment crazed churces he does not need to. Todays Christians are so undiscerning that they will embrace anything that is well packaged and feels good.

(News-of-Interest Editorial Commentary)