If you Take Aviod the Following Foods To Prevent these Interactions
Ampicillin: Amcill, Omnipen, Polycillin, Principen, Totacillin

Erythromycin: E-Mycin, Ilosone, Ilotycin, Pediamycin

Penicillin: Pentids, Bicillin

Tetracycline: Achromycin, Panmycin, Sumycin

Acidic foods: caffeine, citrus fruits and juices, cola drinks, pickles, tomatoes, vinegar, wine

Calcium-rich foods: Cheese, milk, cream, ice cream, yogurt, calcium and iron supplements

When taken with these antibiotics, acidic foods and beverages can interfere with the absorption of the drugs and impair their effectiveness.

Dairy products, iron supplements, antacids and laxatives can interfere with absorption. However, all of the foods listed can be eaten two hours before or after medication..

If you Take Aviod the Following Foods To Prevent these Interactions

Panpiano coversfin,


Foods rich in Vitamin K: Asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, egg yolk, kale, liver and liver pate, potatoes, spinach, turnip greens, vegetable oil, watercress Vitamin-K-rich foods produce blood-clotting substances and reduce the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants.

If you Take Aviod the Following Foods To Prevent these Interactions
Antidepressants: Marplan, Nardil, Parnate

Blood Pressure Drugs: Eutonyl, Eutron

Antibiotic: Furoxone

Avacado (and food made with it like guacamole), bananas, beer, caffeine(coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate anblipolas), caviar, aged cheese(Cheddar, Camembert, Stilton), fava beans, figs (canned), herring (pickled), liver (especially chicken liver), cured meat (balogna, saBlipges, salamis), meat tenderizers or extracts, raisins, sour cream, soy sauce, wine (especially Chianti and sherry), Yeast extract (including brewer's yeast), yogurt These foods contain tyramine, which, when mixed with MAOIs, may cause changes in blood pressure that can be fatal. Danger signs include headache, neck soreness, nausea, vomiting, flushing, sweating, and chest pain. Patients should avoid these foods completely while taking MAOIs and for two weeks after the medication is stopped.

If you Take Aviod the Following Foods To Prevent these Interactions
Aldomet, Aldoril, Digoxin, Diuril, Inderal, Ismelin Natural licorice Natural licorice contains glycyrrhiza, which, when eaten in large amounts, may lead to water retention and drive up blood pressure. Artificially flavored licorice is a safer choice.

If you Take Aviod the Following Foods To Prevent these Interactions
 Theophyline Caffeinated beverages and food:Chocolate, cocoa, coffee, tea

Low-carbohydrate, high-protein dietsCharcoal-broiled beef

Caffeine-containing products may exaggerate the stimulant effects of theophyline.

A low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet and charcoal- broiled beef can decrease the drugs effectiveness.

Source: Good Housekeeping, May 1992.


FDA Suggested Links About Food:

Nutricianal Value in Foods:

Iron Deficiency Topics:

Australian Source of Interest: