Balaam's Ass Speaks          Brings you:


By Cults and Heresy we mean virtually ANYTHING contrary to sound doctrine.  No doctrine is so small in the Bible that the gross violation of it should get its perpetrator diplomatic immunity.  Indeed, it is the little foxes that spoil the vines.  So, your favorite Christo-groupie guru may very well be trashed by one of the following books.  Enjoy :-)  Amos 3:3


Kingdom of the Cults--  Walter Martin--  Very useful, but Martin would not call the Roman Catholic Church a cult.

Handbook of Denominations--  by Frank S Mead--  Very useful to tell the short history of all denominations.

Contemporary Counterfeits--  John J Davis--  Pub. Baker Book House--  Not available at Amazon--  Good and very compact review of a number of occult groups.

So, What's the Difference?--  by Fritz Ridenour--  Pub. Gospel Light, Regal Books--  My edition has a good discussionof the Roman Catholic Church, but I don't know about the 1997 edition.

The Concise Encyclopedia of Living Faiths--  Edited by RC Zaehner--  Secular of course.  This is worth finding and having on hand in case you need to find the roots of some new Benny Hinn or TBN manifestation.


Quenching the Spirit--  by DeArteaga--  One of the most blasphemous books ever written under color of Jesus Christ.  You MUST find this.

Christianity in Crisis--  by Hank Hanegraaff--  Hank is wandering badly these days, so this is the ONLY thing I suggest you get of his.  This book is loaded with quotes from the Rhema boys, like Hinn  and Copeland.  The heretical side of Charismania is clear in this book.

The Daily Guide to Miracles-- Oral Roberts--  Hard to find--  Mother Goose at its best, or worst???

Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements--  by Stanley Burgess and Gary McGee--  This is a must if you want to get the history of the Charismatic Movement.  It gives the heritage all the way back to Irving in Scotland, the very first Charismatic heretic.

Foxfire 7--  This is the Foxfire series volume which covers nutty religion in the hills.  Snake handling Pentecostals covered.

The Vision-  by David Wilkerson--  David gave this vision at a conference while Lutheran pastor was giving his vision in the next room.  David won.  The vision is repetition at best, and it shows how Charismatics will swallow the rot of the tricksters.

The Layman's Commentary on the Holy Spirit--  by John Rea--  Hard to find--  This was an early effort to convince the world that Charismatics DO have a theological base.  It fails since most interpretations are wrested out of context in order to give them Pentecostal interpretations.  But, you should get it.

The Faith Healer--  by Eve Simson-- Pub concordia--  Hard to Find-- Fantastic books of well researched proofs of the heritage of the famous faith healers of the recent past.  This is the perfect companion to Hank Hannegraaff's Christianity in Crisis.

Charismatic Chaos-- by John F. MacArthur--  Pub. Zondervan--  MacArthur is a wandering star regarding Lordship salvation, the Blood of Christ, and irradication of the old nature, BUT this book is a classic of modern research.  Get it, and don't get anything wlse MacArthur writes please.

The Corinthian Catastrophe--  by George Gardiner--  Kregal-- Hard to find.  Short but sweet discussion of Charismatic confusion from a pastor who left the Four Square denomination.

Forerunner of the Charismatic Movement--  by Arnold Dallimore--  Pub. Moody Press-  The occult touches of the present Charismania were in those very first days of Pentecostalism in Scotland.  You will be chocked to see that we are only coming full circle after 100 years.

Beyond Pentecost--  Pub. by Thy Kingdom Come Ministries--  This manual is for world conquest in the Holiness, Old Testament, Reconstructionist model, but it is clearly to be a Pentecostal world.   This is leading edge stuff folks.  Not available at Amazon.


Chance and Necessity--  by Jaques Monad--  This man hated Christianity and loved death, calling for the killing of newborn babies.

Scientific Creationism--  by Henry Morris--  Masterful and good science from the Bible

The Genesis Flood--  by Henry Morris--  Amazon does not have it.  Classic work among Bible believers.  Try to find it.

The Early Earth--  by John Whitcomb--  More theological approach to creationism

Evoluition and Christina Faith (Science and the Bible)--  by Bolton Davidheiser--  Pub. Baker Book House-- Brilliant man.  A bit heavy, but this man has a very organized and persuasive mind set, and he has absolute faith in the Genesis account.

The Christian View of Science and Scripture--  by Bernard Ramm--  Sponsor of Theistic Evolution.  This man has finally been cast aside by all groups, but you can see how mixture works.

God and the Astronomers-- by _______ Jastro--  Secular writer.  He takes up the logical conclusion that theoretical physics ends up face to face with a bunch of theologians who have the only answer left.  A very powerful evidence of evolution's farce.

A Brief History of Time-- by Stephen Hocking--  Pub. Bantam Books--  Hocking tells us that everything before the Big Bang must be ignored sinece the Big Bang destroyed the previous things.  This is dynamite on the evolutionary assumption of eternal matter and cycles.

Is There a Conflict Between Genesis and Natural Science--  by Herman Ridderbos--  Amazona does not offer it.  Hard to find.  Typical of very deep thinking Reformed writers. But, if that turns you on, this is for you.

Evolution: The Fossils Say No--  by Duayne Gish--  Gish is a walking rodeo of rough riding creationism which trashes evolution.  You will love it.


Now is the Dawning of the New World Order--  Dr. Dennis Lawrence Cuddy--  Out of print, but check from time to time to see if it is reprinted.

Gods of the New Age--  by Caryl Matrisciana--  Pub. Harvest House--  This is getting to be a classic due to Jeremiah Films' productions around this theme.  Get it-- worth the price.

The Aquarian Conspiracy--  Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s-- by Marilyn Ferguson-- Definitive work on modern New Age notions by a rank New Ager.

Lost Books of the Bible--  Pub. The World Publishing Co--  All the books claimed to have been written in the New Testament era and after.  This is clearly pagan and satanic.  It IS being taken seriously by many mystics and New Agers.  Includes The Gospel of Barnabas and The Shepherd of Hermas, both of which are being suggested by many mystics to be added to the Bible.  Hermas is wanted in place of the Revelation of John.  These books could well be "Scripture" during the Great Tribulation.

The Aquarian Gospel--  Pub. Leo W Dowling, London--  This is claimed to be the revelation of the lost years of Christ from age 12 to age 30.  If you believe that, I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.  This book will show the virtual hate New Agers have for the historic Jesus Christ.

Mysticism--  by Evelyn Underhill--  Pub. EP Dutton--  Secular, but exposes the intrusion of mystic thought into every area of life, including religion in the West.

Threshold to Tomorrow-- by Ruth Schick Montgomery-- Mellow New Age Writer Trashes Christianity and Gives Plan for New Age Future.

Self Love--  by Robert H Schuler--  Pub. Spire Books--  So, you thought that Schuler was a Christian.  The fact is, he embodies Eastern Mysticism better than many of the gurus.

False Security, Has the New Age Given a False Hope?--  Jerry Parks--  Pub. Huntington House--  Very useful, but sift and beware of version use.

Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow-- by Constance Cumbey--  This lady was the leader in this area of research.  Texe Marrs and ALL other researchers stand on her shoulders, even if they won't admit it.

A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age Messiah--  by Constance Cumbey--  Hard to find but Amazon will try--  This is a sequal, not as heavy as Cumbey's first work, but the two together are well worth the price.  Her predictions are coming true.

Blood on the Doorposts--  by William Schnoebelen--  Very good treatment of witchcraft and Satanism, and authoritative since Bill was a witch, Paladian Lodge Freemason, and a Mormon before he was born again.  You will have to order this from Chick Publications.

Masonry : Beyond the Light--  by William Schnoebelen--  My choice of a Christian author on Freemasonry.

Wicca : Satan's Little White Lie--  by William Schnoebelen--  Another of Bill's exceptional works.

Teach us to Pray--  by Charles Fillmore--  This is one of the earliest New Age mystics of America.

Saint Germain on Alchemy--  by Elizabeth Claire Prophet--  This is a New Age occult guidebook.  It also trashes The Lord Jesus Christ, and it shows the way New Agers neutralize Jesus.

New Age Health Care--  by Jane Gumprecht--  A Christian lady who was an MD tells all about the New Age Intrusion into health care.  Very good and easy reading.

A Critical (Hidden) Agenda--  by David Sneed and Sharon Sneed-- Both authors are MDs, and they do much the same as Jane Gumprecht, but they cover many areas Jane does not deal with.  Both books make a very complete treatment of New Age terror in health.

The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is--  This is the holy book of Hari Krishna--  Try to find is used.  If you need to purchase it you will have proof of the profane and mind numbing nonsense of Hinduism.


Occult ABC--  Kurt Koch--  Pub. Kregal--  Brother Koch has done the most complete research of anyone on this subject.  He has been called on literally thousands of times to counsel and minister deliverance to the Satanically oppressed.

When the Devil Dares Your Kids--  by Passintano--  Good discussion of the work of Satanists and witches on children's minds

The Mind Benders--  by Sparks--  Christian view of Satanic occult

The Satanic Rituals--  by Anton LaVey--  This is an exquisite and filthy ritual book of the Church of Satan.  Don't let children see this please.

The Book of Tokens--  by Paul Foster Case--  Pub. by Builders of the Adytum--   Not available at Amazon--  Consortium of Freemason, Caballa, and deep occultic by a weird and demented man.  This book, based on the Hebrew alphabet, has secret features I have yet to decifer.  Perhaps some reader can help.

The Force of Starwars-- by Allnutt (which he sure is)--

Christian Counseling and Occultism-- by Kurt Koch--   Pub. Kregal--  See above.  This book is more geared to the minister in the Lord's Church.'s Underground--  by Stratford--   Satanist and occult magazines, like Cornerstone Magazine, have attacked this lady mercilessly, so I like that--  It give here great credibility.

The Devil's Disciples-- by Jeff Godwin--  Peter Charles Hoffer recently wrote a book making fools of Salem, Mass. Christians in regard to the witch trials.  He stole Godwin's title, which is legal but unethical, which is an obvious trick to take Godwins readers.  I like that-- desperate acts make for credibility.

Stairway to Hell--  by Rick Jones--  Again, Chuck Eddy, a heavy metal guru and author, has stolen Jones' title recently.  Good recommendation.

Turmoil in the Toy Box I--  by Phil Philips--  AND  Turmoil in the Toy Box II-- Same author

Devil Take the Youngest--  by Winkie Pratney-- Pub. Huntington House--  Very useful discussion of how occultists and the New Age invade a child's mind right in front of his parents and pastor.  Find this one if Amazon can't.  Must reading.

Magic and the Supernatural--  Pub. Spring Books, London, UK--  Not available at Amazon--  This is a secular book, but it is an exceptional resource in identifying the heritage of various occult manifestations.

Mythology--  by Paul Hamlyn--  Again, a secular work, but very helpful in showing ancient heritage of the Roman Catholic Church and the modern New Age.

Encyclopedia of Religion--  Amazon has it if you want the best authority on hand--  Find this at any good University library.  Too expensive to buy for most folks.

The Golden Bough--  by James Fraser--  A very revealing research collection in social and cultural religious and pagan ritual and worship worldwide.  This is an abridgment of the 1890 work in one Vol.

Golden Bough : A Study in Magic and Religion--  by James George, Sir Frazer in 1890-- Pub. St. Martin's Press--  Original work in many volumes.  Now in 4 Vol.--  This is THE authoritative source on religion, superstition, and mystic culture.  Frazer was not a sick soul like Freud and Darwin.  He does not attack biblical Christianity, but he DOES trash the Pope's silly holidays etc.  Browse it at any University library to see if you need it.  It is expensive.  

A Dictionary of Symbols-- JE Cirot--  Pub. Barnes and Noble--  Very useful secular work.  You will find things here that no Christian writer has yet uncovered.

Dictionary of the Occult--  by Andre Nataf--  Secular writer covers much of occult and witchcraft ritual and custom, and he does a pretty useful job of it in a short book.

Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft-- by Raymond Buckland--  Pub. Llewellyn Publications--  How to book for Wiccans.


The Keys of This Blood--  by Malachi Martin-- Paperback-- The Struggle for world dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West-- Catholic writer lets the er... Cat out of the bag.

In God's Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I-- by David A. Yallop-- This secular writer exposes the Roman Whore INSIDE the Vatican.  Special emphasis on Freemasonry in the Vatican.

Dignity and Duties of the Priest--  Pick this up at most Catholic Bookstores--  Shows the Mindless Heresies of the Roman Church According to Saint Alphonsis  de Ligouri

Great Museums of the World:  Vatican, Rome--  Pub. Newsweek--  This is one of a series.  It shows the pornographic lust of the Vatican in very graphic form.

The Two Babylons-- by Alexander Hislop--  Exception Discussion of Pagan Forms and Rituals in the Roman Catholic Whore system as they derived from ancient paganism.

Roman Catholicism-- by Loraine Boettner-- Classic Though older Text on the Subject-- Boettner Destroys Catholicism.  If you can get only one book on the subject, this is it.

Smokescreens--  by Jack T. Chick--  The Catholic Church is seen as the Whore of Revelation.

Fifty Years in the Church of Rome-- by Charles Chiniguy-- Chick Pub-- Paperback--The story of a Catholic priest who was frustrated by the dead Roman Church and finally left.  Old story, but this is a classic.

Padre Pio--  C. Bernard Ruffin-- This mystic flake is well treated by this secular writer.

Vatican II, Documents of--  Pub. Eerdmans--  Hard to find but Amazon will try--  Also, try a Catholic bookstore--  Essential if you want to know why the present policy changes, then re-directs regarding the Pope and his popelets.

The Code of Canon Law--  Pub. Eerdmans--  Not available at Amazon--  Try calling Eerdmans Publishing in Grand Rapids, Michigan, or try a Cathopic bookstore--  The code of law which governs the Catholic Church.  A must if you really want to understand the Great Whore.

The Holy Bible--  Douay Version-  The principle Bible of the Roman Catholic Church in English.  Ironically, less heretical than the NIV and the NASB.

The Jesuits--  by Aveling--  Pub. Dorset--  Good history and exposure of the Jesuits by a Catholic.

The Jesuits-- by Malachi Martin--  Catholic writer tells of the intrigue and stealth of the Jesuits.

The Vatican Connection-- by Richard Hammer--  Story of the billion dollar counterfeit stock deal between the mafia and the Catholic Church.

A Concise History of the Catholic Church--  by Thomas Bokenkotter-- Pub. Image--  Secular work which will give a good overview of the Catholic system in a reasonably unemotional way.

The Cult of the Virgin Mary--  by Carroll--  Pub. Princeton--  Useful secular work.

Dark Night of the Soul: St. John of the Cross--  Edited by E. Allison Peers--  Pub.  Image--  This is the most pagan mystic the Roman Whore holds to.  This shows the roots of modern mysticism are in Rome.


The Bible Code-- by Michael Drosnin--  This Man used Mother Goose and Secular notions as He "Proved" God Added Computer Coded Tricks in the Bible.


Mormonism, Mama, and Me-- by Thelma Geer--  Possibly the most Powerful Testimony and Exposure of Mormon Terror.  Blood Sacrifice and Murder of Mormons by Mormons.

Shadow or Reality-- by the Tanners--  When Sandra Tanner and her Husband Accepted Christ as Savior and Left the Mormon Church, They Photocopied The Most Inner Secrets of the LDS Church.  Why was She Allowed to do this?  Sandra is the Great Grand Daughter of Brigham Young.  Dynamite Book


Who is This Allah?--  Moshey--   Pub. Chick Publications--  A Nigerian who Converted from Islam to Christ tells the Truth About Islam.  This is a book you should try to find. 

Behind the Veil--  A very useful discussion of the double standards of Islam.  This is 100% an underground book.  I have no idea how you can get a copy.  The authors are converted Muslims, and if discovered, they would be killed.

The World of Allah--  by ____________ Duncan--  This is a coffee table book about Islam, and it is very useful.

Islam, A Survey of the Muslim Faith--  by Fry and King--  Pub. Baker Book House--  A useful book.  I found it very helpful.

Islam Revealed, A Christian Arab's View of Islam--  Anis Shorrosh--

Inquiries About Islam--  by Imam Mohamad Chirri--  Islamic Center of America-- This is an effort to show the Islam is civilized and just the thing a Western person needs.

The Word of Islam-- Edited by John Alden Williams--   Pub. George Braziller--  Useful secular discussion of Islam.

Sufi Studies: East and West--  LF Rushbrook Williams-- Exaltation of Sufi mysticism.  Can help to see the silly mindset of Sufi Islam.

Ibn'Illah/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari--  Pub. Paulist Press--  The life and writings of a Sufi mystic.  If you can find it, you can see how spaced out these Sufis are.

CAUTION:  There is a writer who is passed off as a good source on the subject of Islam.  He is Kenneth Cregg.  He is a verbose mutilator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he advocates uniting all religions for at least "dialogue."  The titles to avoid by him are, The Christ and the Faiths, The Call of the Minaret, Jesus and the Muslims, and This Year in Jerusalem.  I have read the man's work, and I have NEVER found such a wandering mind.  Any 300 pages of his text could be reduced to 20 pages and still be too wordy.  Don't waste your cash on this idiot.


Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave--  by Schnell-- Pub. Baker--  Very good book if you can find it.

How to Witness to Jehovahs Witnesses--  by William Schnell--  I have never seen this, but the author's first book suggests this to be very sound.

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures--  Watch for this in the Goodwill or any used book trash section.  JW writings are the world's most notorious throw-away religion.  You can only get this at the Goodwill trash book section or from the JW Kingdom Hall.

Reasoning From the Scriptures--  JW production--  This is always in a brown hardback small book form.  It is their secret book for witnesses with all the things we might say and how they are to answer us.  Find this in a Goodwill or a trash book section if you can.  Otherwise, slip one out of a Kingdom Hall if possible.  This will help you get ready to pull the carpet out from under JW witnesses.  Be ready to then give them the Gospel, or don't bother at all please.

Reasoning from the Scriptures With the Jehovah's Witnesses--  by Ron Rhodes--  Pub. Harvest House--  A book which takes off on the JW book above.  Gives Watchtower logic and doctrine from their sources, then helps you to seek the salvation of your friend or a JW witness.


Ramayana--  One of two key scriptures of Hinduism

Mahabharata--  This is the second

Samadhi and Beyond--  by Sri Surath--  A Hindu writer opens the system.  Useful book.

Philosophy of India--  Edited by Joseph Campbell-- Pub. Pantheon Books--  Amazon only has the cassette tape from this book.  Campbell was more Hindu than many of the Gurus, and he has been a major source of inspiration in the West.  Nat. Public Radio fauned over him frequently.  You MUST try to get this volume.  It is bedrock, or should we say, bedmuck.

History of Indian Philosophy--  by SN Dasgupta--  Pub.  Kitab Mahal, Allahabad, India-- This book tells the inner and foundational workings of Hinduism and Indian thought.  Get it if you can.

The Mystics--  by Aubrey Menen--  The Dial Press--  Coffee Table book with many photos of famous gurus who impacted the West.  This book will fire your imagination for the souls of those caught in Eastern occult mysticism.  With Ghandi's book, this one is essential.

Bhagavad-Gita As it is--  This is the scripture of Hari Krishna, and it is essential to an understanding of this cultic fringe of Hinduism.

An Anthology of Indian Literature-- by JB Alphonso-Karkala--  Hindu nonsense, but useful to understand them.

Modern Hinduism-- by WJ Wilkins--  Secular and tolerant of Hinduism.

Modern Hinduism in India:--  by G.R. Thursby--   Pub. Brill Academic Publishers--  Also shows the content above.

The Way of Zen--  by Allen Watts--  Discussion of Buddhism.  Secular author.

The Sayings of Confucius--  Chinese mystic who is deified by modern Chinese

Ghandi-- by William L. Whirer--  Not available at Amazon.  You really need to study the mind of Ghandi to see how Hinduism destroys rational thought.

Indian Thought--  by K Damodaran--  Pub. Asia Publishing House--   Not available at Amazon.  Exceptional secular book which tells the foundations of Hinduism

Yoga Vidanta Dictionary--  by Sri Swami Sivananda--  Pub. Motilal Banrrsidass--  Not available at Amazon.  Take this dictionary with you to a Charismatic tongues speaking service, and you will find words from Hinduism for sure.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead--  by WY Evans-Wentz--  Use with those who see no evil in Eastern Mysticism

Introduction to Indian Thought--  by Paul Younger--  Pub. Westminster Press--  More accomodation of Hinduism by an alleged Christian.  Sickening, but it shows how fat headed scholars can dive into the pig pen and love it.

The Teachings of the Mystics--  by Walter T Stace--  Pub. Mentor Books--  Hard to find.  Attempts to deal with mysticism in all religions, including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.  Grand mess, but it shows how the mind can be bent.

Betrayal of the Spirit : My Life Behind the Headlines of the Hare Krishna Movement--  by Nori J. Muster--  Story of a lady who was caught in this pagan jungle of mind control.

Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda--  by Swami Vivekananda--  The life and impact of Vivekananda on the USA is legend, and, along with Madam Blavatsky, this guru firt opened the door into the USA for the gurus to follow.

Readings in Religious Eastern Thought Buddhism--  by Allie M Frazier--  Pub. Westminster--  Secular.  Very deep and a bit nutty, but the true Buddhism is clearly seen

The Hindu Tradition--  by Ainslie T Embree--  Pub. Vintage--  Follows the ages of the Upanishads and Vedas from about 1000 BC.  Very useful book.

Advanced Course in Yoga Philosophy and Orienntal Occultism--  Yogi Ramacharaka--  Pub. DB Taraporevala Sons & Co--  This is central doctrine of Hinduism with emphasis on several kinds of Yoga.

An Autobiography of Ghandi, or The Story of my Experiments With Truth--  By MK Ghandi--  Pub. Navajivan Publishing House--  Here you read of Ghandi's Struggles with the sillyness of Hinduism, and you see his distrust and final hate of Christ and Christins whom he mocks eagerly.  Forget the nice near-christian Ghandi.

Buddhism: Its Essence and Development--  by Edward Conze--  Pub. Harper--  Secular but tells the story well.

Buddhism Christianity and the Future of Man--  by Douglas A Fox--  Pub. Westminster Press--   Masterful piece of mixture of pagan forms with historic Christianity.  You will thow up.  BUT, you need to see how this process is working my friend.  Try to get this one please.

Japji : Meditation in Sikhism-  by Swami Rama--  Sikhism was founded by Nanak who claimed to by a monotheist.  This book shows his sorry state of soul and mind.

Story of Guru Nanak--  by Mala Singh--  Pub. by Auromere--  Get this to read about Nanak's life.  He was a hybrid of Hinduism and Islam.

The World of The Gurus--  by Vishal Mangalwadi--  Vikas Publishing House, India--  Amazon offers this, and that is amazing since it originated in India.  This is the only book I have found which deals with the gurus, then shows the uniquness and singularity of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.  If Amazon cannot get it, order from:  Vikas Pub. House; 5 Ansari Road; New Delhi, 110002